The Awareness Company

The Awareness Company


Data Driven Storytelling. We help you transform data into value.
Organisations need to make sense of multiple sources of information from people, sensors and systems to get a clear picture and make quick and effective decisions. We build software that transforms data into stories across time and space. These stories are easily understandable, relatable and can be communicated into data-driven actions.

The Awareness Company

The Awareness Company Products:

  • HYDRA Experience Management is a solution that has been built for organisations wanting to leverage and aggregate their operational and experience data with real time data from humans, sensors and systems to gain and communicate experiences insight.

  • HYDRA Holistic Safety and Security is a solution that has been built for the entire safety and security community – private security companies, emergency services, policing, border safeguarding, disaster management, community policing, security estates, national level organisations, intelligence operators, law enforcement, courts and judicial personnel, international crime and multinational organisations.

  • HYDRA Holistic Conservation is a solution that has been built for the entire conservation community – park managers, security teams, tourism departments, ecologists and scientists, anti poaching units, rangers on the ground, communities in and around parks and reserves, national level organisations, intelligence and investigation operators, law enforcement, court and judicial personnel, wildlife crime, illegal trade, international collaborators and NGO’s and NPO’s supporting the community.