
Switch Energy


Switch is a tech company that offers smart metering and energy trading solutions. Our speciality is in systems with integrated renewable energy generation and storage.

Our mission is to provide solutions that optimise the management of water and energy, unlocking their full potential while prioritising sustainability.

The company’s inception was rooted in academic research focused on energy trading and smart grids. Since then, we have expanded our offerings to encompass a range of smart metering and utility management solutions, covering water, electricity, and gas.


Switch Services:

  • Smart Metering – Smart metering enables real-time usage insight and control, empowering users to make informed decisions. The Switch Admin Console and Mobile App provide an interface to manage smart meter data.

  • Demand Side Management – Loadshedding and variable energy generation pose challenges for load management. The Switch demand-side management solutions automate load control and unique tariff structures, enabling uninterrupted power supply.

  • Energy Trading & Wheeling – Energy trading and wheeling enables generators and consumers to buy and sell energy across electricity grids. The Switch Wheeling Console manages this end-to-end process.

  • Electric Vehicle to Grid (V2G) – EV’s offer potential to stabilise the grid by sharing unused energy during times of high demand. V2G can also turn EV’s into cash generating assets for owners, while reducing the assets payback period.