Fungi Energy

Fungi Energy


Fungi Energy is a company that specialises in smart metering solutions. Fungi Energy’s services are underpinned by an array of specialised technologies. They focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, and their offerings are available in the Electricity, Water, and Gas sectors. They have a presence in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets

Fungi Energy

Fungi Energy Products & Services:

  • Smart Electricity: This service allows you to see your exact usage, cost estimations, and how to save on your monthly bill.

  • Smart Water: This service helps you monitor your water usage and see cost estimations.
  • Smart Billing: This service allows you to view and pay your bills online, with detailed reconciliations with your monthly usage
  • Electricity Metering: They offer full smart metering solutions through their network utilizing the latest in smart metering technology for both residential and commercial applications
  • Water Metering: They offer full water metering and sub-metering solutions with added benefits such as leak detection and consumption monitoring